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an update on

Samwise the Brave

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Thank You

So many of you have blessed us with prayers and support for Sam as she, Lucas, their kids and the rest of the family navigate this intricate maze of brain cancer treatment. We realize this is a faith-filled marathon and, with open arms, we invite you along for the journey. Follow the link below and request to join the group for Samwise the Brave. You may follow Lucas' most current updates on their journey there. You'll even get an email each time a new update is posted! Thank you so much for your love, your encouragement and especially your prayers. We have felt every one!

About Sami

On Friday, June 14, 2024 Tiana's family was shaken by the news of her youngest sister's MRI results: a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball. She has sense been diagnosed with the most malignant, most aggressive type (Astrocytoma) of brain cancer, Grade 4. Sweet Sami is in her early 30's and is such a light to everyone she meets. She is a wonderful wife, a mother to 4 incredible kids whom she also homeschools, she's a sister, a daughter and and amazing aunt. Although this is the battle of her family's life, Sam is filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit and has peace about the journey ahead. Her desire is that, however God uses this time in her life, that it be for His glory. We ask that you please lift Sami, her husband Lucas, their children and the rest of her family in prayer. If you'd like to learn more about Sam or if you feel led to donate to help cover travel and medical expenses, you may do so by clicking the link below.

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